General Fault Causes and Elimination Methods of Helical Gear Reducers and Worm Gear Reducers

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  • General Fault Causes and Elimination Methods of Helical Gear Reducers and Worm Gear Reducers

In industrial production, helical gear reducers and worm gear reducers play important roles. However, like other mechanical equipment, they may also encounter various faults during operation. Now, Shanghai Dianmai Transmission Technology Co., Ltd. will work with you to understand in detail the common fault causes and corresponding elimination methods.



First, let’s look at the helical gear reducer. When the reducer overheats, it may be caused by overloading or insufficient or excessive lubricating oil. In this regard, we need to check the actual load, adjust it to the specified value. If the load is too large, a reducer with a larger power needs to be replaced. At the same time, the lubricating oil should be used according to the specified amount. If there is an abnormal and stable noise during operation, the reason may be that the rotation/grinding noise causes bearing damage, or the knocking noise indicates irregular meshing. At this time, the oil condition should be checked. If the problem is still not solved, it is necessary to contact the user service agency. The abnormal and unstable operation noise is usually due to oil contamination or insufficient oil volume. The solution is to change the oil or add oil to the specified value. Oil leakage from the vent may be due to too much oil or incorrect installation of the vent. It is necessary to correct the oil level or install the vent correctly. Once oil leakage occurs, it is often due to damaged seals and should be dealt with by contacting the user service agency. When the output shaft does not rotate while the motor rotates, it is very likely that the key connection of the reducer is damaged and it needs to be sent for repair.



Secondly, it’s the worm gear reducer. If the reducer overheats, it may be due to overloading, too little or too much lubricating oil, poor or inappropriate lubricating oil, excessive friction of the oil seal, or improper connection between the output shaft and the transmission device. The corresponding treatment methods include adjusting to the appropriate load or choosing a larger model, adding the appropriate lubricating oil as instructed, adding the appropriate lubricating oil after the oil is drained, dripping a few drops of lubricating oil at the oil seal, and adjusting to the appropriate position. If there is noise in the reducer, it may be due to poor meshing of the worm and worm gear, damaged bearings or excessive clearance, insufficient lubricating oil or the intrusion of foreign objects. In this case, the tooth contact surface should be trimmed, the bearings replaced, the appropriate amount of lubricating oil added as instructed, the foreign objects removed and the lubricating oil replaced. Abnormal vibration may be caused by poor fixation of the transmission device, wear or damage of the worm gear, wear or damage of the bearings, loose bolts or the intrusion of foreign objects. At this time, the transmission device needs to be fixed, the worm gear replaced, the bearings replaced, the bolts tightened, the foreign objects removed and the lubricating oil replaced. The oil leakage problem may be due to damaged oil seals, damaged sealing gaskets, excessive oil volume, loose oil plugs or damaged oil marks. The corresponding solutions are to replace the oil seals, replace the sealing gaskets, add the appropriate amount of lubricating oil, tighten the oil plugs and replace the oil marks. If the input or output shaft does not rotate, it may be due to overheating of the worm and worm gear, damaged bearings, intrusion of foreign objects or excessive wear of the worm and worm gear. It is necessary to replace or repair the relevant components, replace the bearings, remove the foreign objects and replace the lubricating oil, or replace the worm gear or worm. Excessive wear of the worm gear may be due to overloading, poor or inappropriate lubricating oil, insufficient lubricating oil, worn bearings or excessive operating temperature. This requires adjusting to the appropriate load, replacing the appropriate lubricating oil, adding the appropriate lubricating oil as instructed, replacing the bearings and improving the ventilation environment.




If you encounter problems during use and need the help of our company’s user service department, please specify the following contents in detail:


  1. The data on the nameplate.
  2. The type and degree of the fault.
  3. The time and circumstances of the fault occurrence.
  4. Possible causes.



Hope the above content can provide you with useful references and assistance when using helical gear reducers and worm gear reducers, ensuring the normal and stable operation of the equipment and improving production efficiency.

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