Countermeasures for motor noise

When dealing with the tricky problem of motor vibration and noise, there are currently several practical and effective methods as follows.

The first one is vibration reduction measures. Focusing on the source of vibration generation, by using advanced and scientific treatment methods, the amplitude of vibration waves is effectively reduced. For example, using special shock-absorbing materials or optimizing the structural design of equipment to fundamentally reduce the intensity of vibration and minimize the generation and propagation of vibration energy.

The second is vibration isolation operation. High-performance vibration isolators are accurately placed on the propagation path of vibration waves, just like building several solid barriers, effectively blocking the transmission of vibration waves. These vibration isolators can absorb and disperse vibration energy, converting it into other forms of energy such as heat energy and consuming it, thereby significantly achieving the ideal effect of weakening the vibration source.

The third is damping treatment. Current structures are generally complex and diverse, mostly belonging to multi-degree-of-freedom systems, and often face complex situations of broadband excitation. In such circumstances, increasing damping undoubtedly becomes a powerful weapon to suppress vibration. Common treatment methods include damping free layer treatment and constrained layer damping treatment. Damping free layer treatment enables a large amount of vibration energy to be consumed during the propagation process by adding free layer materials with high damping characteristics on the structural surface; while constrained layer damping treatment further enhances the damping effect by setting a constrained layer and a damping layer on the structural surface, thereby more effectively suppressing the propagation and diffusion of vibration.

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