Analysis of the Causes of Ultra-High Temperature in Cycloidal Pinwheel Reducers

During the operation of cycloidal pinwheel reducers, if the temperature is extremely high, it is necessary to investigate and analyze from multiple aspects.

Before using cycloidal pinwheel reducers, it is necessary to ensure that an appropriate amount of lubricating oil is added. When it is found to be heating, the first thing to check is whether the amount of lubricating oil is sufficient. If the lubricating oil is not lacking, then it is necessary to consider whether the selection of the reducer is appropriate. If the selection is too small and the tension is too large, exceeding its carrying capacity, it is easy to cause overload operation, thereby causing the reducer to heat up.

In addition, generally speaking, damage to the eccentric bearing is also a common cause of the ultra-high temperature of the reducer. For newly assembled cycloidal pinwheel reducers, it is also necessary to consider whether there is an improper assembly. For example, the insufficient matching accuracy between various components, too tight or too loose installation, etc., may all affect the normal operation of the reducer and cause an abnormal increase in temperature.

In addition, severe wear of the internal components of the reducer will also increase the running resistance and generate excessive heat. At the same time, long-term continuous high-load operation, poor heat dissipation, and too high ambient temperature may all be factors that cause the ultra-high temperature of the cycloidal pinwheel reducer.

In conclusion, when the cycloidal pinwheel reducer has the problem of ultra-high temperature, it is necessary to comprehensively consider the above various possible reasons and conduct one-by-one investigations in order to take effective solutions in time to ensure the normal operation and service life of the reducer.

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